Let’s Talk About Loss (LTAL) is a UK-based nonprofit that provides support to bereaved individuals aged 18-35. Its mission is to provide people who are grieving with a safe, supportive community in which they can work through their loss without fear or judgement. The charity also helps to raise grief awareness in society by confronting taboos related to loss and grieving. LTAL works to accomplish these goals through monthly, volunteer-led support meetings at various locations throughout the UK.

LTAL was experiencing an increased loss of volunteer hosts due to burnout and group disintegration. These hosts lead the charity’s monthly meetings and are vital to LTAL’s continued success. LTAL identified five key stressors responsible for this high turnover rate:

Since LTAL has limited resources, the charity needed a solution that would have a long-shelf life and not require frequent updates. The solution also needed to be easy to roll out to a large group of individuals spread throughout the UK and connect with volunteers from differing ages, backgrounds, and experience levels.
The GP Strategies Solution
Working in collaboration with LTAL, GP Strategies created a 90-day onboarding curriculum designed to better educate and prepare volunteers to become hosts. The curriculum consisted of a 40-page interactive PDF onboarding manual that included: key information about the LTAL support network, a journey map outlining the milestones, achievable targets, reflection activities, session guides, and journal entries. It also contained suggested areas for reinforcement of lessons through the inclusion of links to videos and podcasts.

I’ve been delighted to work with the team on creating our first ever Host Onboarding Journal. This is a significant piece of work which will elevate the support we offer to our hosts, and we know that it will improve host retention and help them feel more prepared for the role. As a small charity, we could not have achieved this alone, and I am very thankful for the time, skills, and knowledge that the team have shared throughout the project. I can’t wait to see the finished product and share it with our volunteers!
Beth French, Founder and Director, Let’s Talk About Loss
This project also provided the GP team with the opportunity to pursue a passion project, develop new skills and capabilities through real-world experiences, and support local communities.