GP Strategies® mitigation staff members stand ready to provide assistance and expertise to municipalities and eligible entities in project identification, sub-application development, programmatic/policy guidance, planning, grants management, monitoring, and closeout of activities.

Local hazard mitigation (HM) initiatives are important. Because they are put in place before a disaster, they reduce vulnerability so that communities can recover more quickly and be better protected from the impacts of a disaster when one occurs. GP Strategies strategically implements mitigation initiatives that break the cycle of damage, reconstruction, and repeat damage. Recognizing that stronger, more resilient communities reduce the impacts of disasters, resulting in recoveries that are less costly, the Federal Government invests in HM initiatives by providing grants to assist communities to implement HM projects, both pre- and post-disaster.
GP Strategies strategically implements mitigation initiatives that break the cycle of damage, reconstruction, and repeat damage. Recognizing that stronger, more resilient communities reduce the impacts of disasters, resulting in recoveries that are less costly, the Federal Government invests in HM initiatives by providing grants to assist communities to implement HM projects, both pre- and post-disaster.
GP Strategies takes a proactive approach using extensive knowledge of industry best practices and lessons learned when implementing and administering an HMGP. Our experience and knowledge improve your agency’s capability to effectively implement, manage, and close out this program, which provides immediate and long-term benefits to the community.
By integrating the corporate core competencies of training and performance improvement, we support capacity building within organizations and communities. We leverage our corporate capacities in engineering and project management to expedite reconstitution of services.