High Potential Leaders
Optimizing Success for Emerging Leaders
High-potential leaders represent the future of your organization. You want to recruit them, and you need to retain them. They demonstrate the qualities to lead others and consistently perform at high levels. Yet, they need learning and coaching to successfully assume responsibility for leading others and delivering high-level business results. We serve high-potential leaders at multiple levels, from the first-time aspiring leader to an up-and-coming senior level executive.
These talented employees require a different approach to developing effective leadership skills. Our high potential leadership program has just what they need and what you want.
Our research shows:
Compelling Experiences, Inspiring Journeys
The journey from potential to polished leader has internal and external elements. We encourage potential leaders to look inward to discover their ideal leadership style and outward to understand what others need. Learn more about how we developed emerging leaders at Havas Health.
By delivering a compelling leadership development journey, we help your organization sow the seeds for strong leadership for today and the future.
Your Leadership Transformation Partner
For many emerging leaders, our high-potential leadership journey may be their first exposure to this type of learning. Our programs focus on developing specific skills needed to step into a leadership role.
Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?
Great leaders excite people to exceptional performance by understanding their unique differentiators and by addressing the four critical needs of their people: community, authenticity, significance, and excitement.
Leading Out Loud
The best leaders inspire people by authentically communicating the link between their values and the needs of others. Learn how to clearly communicate the link between an individual’s job and the goals, values, and strategies of the team and the organization.
Distinctive Leadership
Create a sustainable shift in your organization’s leadership capabilities through a highly experiential journey that includes assessments, executive coaching, live or virtual workshops, and ongoing peer coaching.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EQ) provides a more reliable predictor of success than IQ. This program explores the development of EQ to increase career success and the quality of relationships, inside and outside the workplace.
Leadership Coaching
Our executive coaches help emerging leaders refine their leadership styles and enhance their skills. Their hands-on coaching includes setting personal leadership development goals, learning to see how others perceive them, and developing action plans to achieve their goals.
Influencing Across the Matrix
Even leaders of leaders often have to navigate relationships in which they have very little positional power. We help experienced leaders gain buy-in and win the cooperation of key stakeholders by developing trust, credibility, and an awareness of how they influence others.
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