The work described in this case study was performed by LEO Learning prior to becoming part of GP Strategies.
Trusted Advisor: Tackling Modern Slavery Initiative With Stronger Together
Stronger Together is a multi-stakeholder initiative that provides businesses with the knowledge, resources, and tools to reduce modern slavery within their own operations and their supply chain.
To assist with this objective, Stronger Together required training materials to help learners know how to deter, identify, and prevent modern slavery.

Training materials for supervisors and recruiters, with a focus on the food production sector, were launched in 2015 to coincide with the implementation of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015.
As a follow-up, further materials with a broader focus, aimed at UK businesses and global businesses, were launched in 2017. Since then, custom courses have been commissioned and new courses include tailored versions for the aquaculture and manufacturing sector.
The training materials provided the learner with an understanding of what modern slavery is and how it could impact their businesses, as well as clear guidance on what to look for and how they should respond to any potential incidences of exploitation.
Different versions of the course were targeted at different audiences to ensure content was relevant to every learner. The courses included engaging videos depicting real-life scenarios, re-enacted by actors, and interactive exercises to reinforce the learner’s understanding.
As of March 2017, over 36,000 people globally had taken and successfully completed the supervisors and recruiters training.