CareerNOW is a self-directed, highly scalable social journey that empowers employees at all levels of your organization to redefine their careers in today’s increasingly disrupted world, discover what really matters most to them, and engage in the types of partnerships and conversations that will help them thrive now and in the future.
- Time-released journey of up to six weeks
- A 90-minute or less weekly investment from learners
- Highly scalable design supports cohorts of 50 to over 500
- Fully digital, social experience allows for cohorts across functions and geographies
- Options to configure and customize to your organization’s unique needs
- Translation and localization available

Improve Organizational Agility and Deliver Measurable Impact
CareerNOW creates employees who are more aligned with themselves and their manager and have greater ownership over their career development. Because the CareerNOW journey helps drive engagement and career agility across your workforce, it will be easier to retain and upskill your talent to deal with the many changes and disruptions impacting today’s world.
Empowering Weekly Topics That Transform Careers
Effortlessly engage your employees by equipping them with the tools for efficient career conversations. Regular career conversations build more sustainable career cycles and make your workforce more resilient against disruption.
Week 1 | Why Career?
Uncover the local and global disruptions driving the urgency for you to act now on your career planning.
Week 2 | Assess Your Identity
Identify your values, mindsets, and strengths to discover the keys you need to thrive.
Week 3 | Connect With Your Career Community
Create new opportunities for career growth by engaging with and expanding your career community.
Week 4 | Assess Your Ability
Become more resilient and agile through seeking opportunities and support and by anticipating change.
Week 5 | Build A Partnership
Generate partnership and alignment by preparing for and participating in a critical career-planning conversation.
Week 6 | Set Goals
Drive continuous action by designing personal, SMARTER career goals and create a resilient career plan for your future.
CareerNOW Drives Learner Engagement
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Start building more sustainable careers in your organization for today and tomorrow with CareerNOW.
Contact us today to get started.